The following list shows you the steps that will occur before, during and after construction.

Design phase (pre-building)

  1. Design concept
  2. Architectural concept design
  3. Surveying
  4. Geotechnical and contamination in soil report
  5. Hygienist (hazardous material identification)
  6. Arborist
  7. Town planning
  8. BAL report
  9. Energy (section J) report
  10. Structural engineer Civil design
  11. Statutory fees (council requirements)
  12. Building surveyor review
  13. Builder contract signing

Building commencement

  1. Welcome pack
  2. Working drawings
  3. Building permit
  4. Builders mobilisation
  5. Provide client construction program
  6. Construction period
  7. Project handover
  8. After construction care

If you’re feeling unsure or hesitant about where to start, we’re here to offer support and ensure you’re updated at every stage of the building process. Building is both exciting and overwhelming, so we do our best to keep in regular communication and offer support where we can. We strive to ensure you enjoy the journey and feel cared for throughout construction, and beyond.

Get in touch with us to talk about your building project, we’re happy to answer any questions you have.